Friday, September 27, 2013

What is the connection between GMO and Obesity

GMO's & Obesity. What's the connection?

Simple fact: 
If your food does not contain the nutrients you need, in the right ratios, your body will compensate by eating more and more to catch up. The result: you get fat AND malnourished. I'm not talking full figured and healthy here, I'm talking WAY out of health. 

Question: Why do we have nutrient empty food? 
Answer: It's cheap. And addictive. Like crack. It costs very little to produce bad food. If you liven it up with salt, msg, sugar, aspartame, dyes, etc, then it become a drug food. And people get addicted to it. Because it doesn't actually satisfy, you need to eat more and more. Just like a drug. This makes tons of profit and ruins the health of millions, especially the poor. 

Simple truth:
Your body needs non-genetically altered foods, grown in vital soil, full of nutrients, eaten shortly after being picked, in its most un-modified state, to actually contain the greatest amount of vitamins & minerals possible to truly feed your body. 

Question: Why is this so hard to achieve? 
Answer: Time, Money and Ethics. Doing what's best over doing what's easy (& profitable) can be a hard change for a country of fake food addicts, not to mention all the economic pressure from the agri-chemical & commercial food industries to keep doing it wrong. 

The solution: You. Me. Us. 
We are the "Slow Food" Revolution. The Slow Food Revolution is about real people supporting, consuming and being passionate about real food. It's called Slow, because it's a return to simple, non-rushed eating. It's called Slow to encourage all of us to make time for the gift of food in our lives. It's about bringing joy, taste, sensuality and recreation back into food. Make real food a priority and it will make a real difference in your life. 

Once you go Slow, you'll never go back!

Stay tuned for 101 solutions that are easy, powerful and will make you feel like a real Slow Food Revolution Super Hero!

Solution #1- start your new Slow life with a simple Detox. 
click here to sign up: 7 or 14 day Detox Package

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