Monday, June 16, 2014

Stress and Adrenal Fatigue. When the S*%$ Hits the Fan.

STRESS. The single biggest factor causing disease. 

When external influences overwhelm the body's capacity to perform and maintain internal balance.
Overwork, over exercise, under rest, emotional abuse, physical abuse, toxic load from viruses, chemicals, and/ or pollution.
Anger, irritability, depression, anxiety, lowered immune response, poor sleep, weight gain, loss of joy, loss of ability to adapt, total exhaustion unrelieved by rest.
The Fix: 
Rest, rest, rest, rest, and more rest. Specific nutrition and mind-body exercise. But mostly rest. Any treatment or therapy that switches your nervous system out of sympathetic response, into parasympathetic mode, like Acupuncture, Massage, Yoga, Meditation.

When stress goes on, unrelenting, for months or years, it has a profound impact on your overall health. The biggest impact comes in a complex of symptoms described above, which fall under the umbrella of Adrenal Fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is stress taken to it's end point, when the body cannot bounce back and starts to break down. THIS IS A GREAT TIME TO STOP OVER WORKING, OVER EXERCISING, OVER EMOTING, STOP "OVER" ANYTHING. Once you reach this level of exhaustion, in fact, the only thing that will restore your health is serious rest for a seriously long time. No whining, no cheating, no kidding. 

Not only am I an expert in addressing Adrenal Fatigue from Stress, I have lived through it myself, and know all the ins and outs of restoring health, naturally. For more information on the how tos of adrenal exhaustion recovery, please drop me a line.

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